
A warm cuppa

Winter has finally hit Wisconsin, and the snow and slush has me jonesing for a warm cuppa. I still drink coffee (we switched to decaf in our house), and we've re-started our tea collection, so that's awesome, but sometimes you just really want something different.  Enter this recipe from Dana Hsieh.

Cinnamon Hot Cocoa

1 tablespoon of pure cocoa powder
1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon
a pinch of sea salt

Put ingredients in cup. Pour hot water over top. Stir. Enjoy. 

Yeah, it's called hot cocoa, but I wouldn't advise you to think of it as hot chocolate. Without the milk, it's not rich enough at all, but it does make for a nice chocolate tea. If you're looking for something warm and cozy, check it out. And while you're at it, catch up on the Paleo Rodeo that Dana puts together, with great posts from around the web.

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