
Keeping it up while traveling

Wow, that sounds mildly dirty. Anhoo.

I have trouble keeping my momentum going when I travel. Food-wise a bit, but even more exercise-wise. Lucky me--this weekend my sister is going to be traveling with me, and she is interested in crossfit. Yes, there has been a lot of cackling and hand-rubbing as I devise what we're going to do. I'm hoping that by posting it here, we'll actually get the workouts done.

Friday: Add in 9 burpees to the warm up. WOD 7 rounds for time: 7 squats, 7 burpies.
Saturday: Warm up: 59 burpees. WOD 5 rounds, 15 lunge steps, 10 push ups. We'll see if I switch out the push-ups, as I'm still doing them assisted, and I don't want to bruise my knees right before wearing a dress. (Oh, and there's that whole thing about how girl-push ups are not a great modification...)
Sunday: WOD 100 burpees. I'll probably do 10 on the minute, since my sister is a newby. It's a delicate balance between scaring her and having her love it.
Monday: Warm up with 61 burpees. 4x25 jumping squats. I'll be on my own for this one.

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